Chappo Chats Volume 2
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Chappo Chats Volume 2 with Beth Chappo
Happy to be back with a second round of Chappo Chats....where y'all submit all the questions, and I try my best to answer as many as I can and round 'em up in this post. I'd be remiss if I didn't quickly mention these adorable EVEREVE great for a warm weather getaway and beyond.....alright, gang, without further ado.....let's dive in!
Going on a Girls Trip and we all have to bring a little something for the group....would love recs.
I brought a bunch of cute swag for my mom, sis, niece, and sil to Siesta Key from an esty shop called Sprinkled with Pink....think personalized pouches, jute carryalls, 'yeti', etc.
What kind of Doctor is Dr. Chappo?
He's a hospitalist. If you are admitted to the hospital, he's your guy. For the past two years he's been knee deep managing his Covid ICU.....needless to say, he's a bit burnt out....but man you wouldn't know it because the guy NEVER complains. He's one in a million.
My Daughter was just diagnosed with severe peanut allergy. Tips for Navigating?
Ahhh man I know that's a tough one to hear!! Rest assured, with two allergy kiddos, you and your little one will both be A-ok!! Couple of things to note/questions....did your allergist talk to you about "Peanut Therapy"....there's a more clinical term for this but basically Calvin and I were in the allergist's office (a controlled setting) where he was administered small amounts of bamba peanut butter puffs over time....we waited.....nurse and allergist checked him....administered more....we waited...and so on. Then based on what he was able to safely tolerate, our allergist told us what to give him at home in an effort to build up his immunity to peanuts....happy to report...he can now eat PB! He and Chase still have tree nut allergies which leads me to my biggest tip.....GET YOUR KIDS USED TO ORDERING THEIR OWN FOOD AT A RESTAURANT S T A T......I had Calvin at 3 years old tell the server his order and that he is "AWERGIC TO TWEE NUTS." It's like a script and they know it by heart and know to let EVERYONE know prior to eating. Lastly, get a med least until they get into a rhythm....also don't forget to let friends' parents know....although in this day and age, many kiddos have allergies so schools and parents are well accustomed...but still always remind even if you're annoying AF about it. People don't me...THEY don't want to be the one who is responsible for a reaction. PS: check labels. And check them again even if you know they tolerated goldfish the last time....ingredients change, manufacturers change, etc....don't fret, it'll become habit for all involved.
Is Chase thinking about College yet?
She. Is. I truly cannot believe it. Where oh where did my little girl go....she's literally grown up on here with y'all.....just as I get sad about the thoughts of her leaving, I get so excited for what's in store for her future. Chase is....special. She's such an old soul....she puts my teenage self to shame truth be told....both of my girls do. She's not sure exactly where she wants to go, but she knows she wants seasons...and to probably stay on the east coast. We are going to be enrolling her in CLASS 101 because we understand the game has changed since Johnny and I applied for colleges and Chase definitely wants to ensure she's got all her ducks in a row and is (overly) prepared. Spoken like a true first born... Very excited for this opportunity to partner for this CLASS 101. Can't wait to see you soar, tootsie.
If not too personal, I would love to know about your breast implants. Why, When, Who, Happy?
Not too personal at all....this question doesn't bother me! Now let me preface these responses with I'm fully aware implants are a very polarizing topic....I'm just answering these questions and sharing my personal experience....nothing more or less.
WHY? Because after breastfeeding three kids and having empty tube socks down to my belly button, I just wanted a little life breathed back into 'em. They were lifeless....I did not want to be significantly bigger than what I was prior to having kids...I repeat I DID NOT WANT significantly bigger....I easily said "I WANT SMALL" eight ways to Sunday to my surgeon and he listened.
WHEN? It'll be 3 years in October
WHO? Dr. Bruce Van Natta in Carmel, IN. He's absolutely W O N D E R F U L. Like I said he LISTENED. He's an artist......I know at least 10+ women who have gone to him for various procedures and all give him a glowing report.
HAPPY? Very. Another reader asked if I had any adverse effects----NO.
We ordered THESE for our pool party last year.....use 'em year round.
Have you started car shopping for your teens? Will they be earning towards car/gas, etc?
Chase will be driving later this year and will be getting my car. Although it'll be sad to see her go, I'm glad we are keeping the car in the favorite vehicle ever...and it's super safe for her. She will be responsible for her own gas. She had a job last summer and will likely have one this summer along with babysitting for neighborhood kiddos...and her bro.
Favorite and Least Favorite part of building a custom home?
Favorite: The design process, seeing it come to life, customizing every detail....adding our personality and personalized touches to the home...collaborating with Johnny....we do very well together on projects...we each have our own strengths and the same aesthetic/taste. We built with Christopher Scott Homes.
Least Favorite: budget out the window (make sure you over allocate for allowances). the length of time it takes....albeit worth it.
Favorite Beautycounter Product?
Man that's tough....can I give you top 5? The All Bright C Serum, No 1. Face Oil, Peony Lip Gloss, Supreme Cream, and Countertime Minis.
Favorite Family Meal?
Chase and I could eat my Chicken Piccata every day. Our go to for dinner parties, company, special occasion is Johnny's Filets. My fave fave fave meals that my mom makes (coming soon to The Village Cookbook) is her Chicken Divan and Lasagna to name a few.
How did you become so into fashion? And putting outfits together? Are you creative?
I think it goes back to when I was little. My mom has pictures of me as a 3 year old wearing her slips as gowns in her high heels. I mentioned this on the last Chappo Chats, I vividly remember taking the time to methodically lay out my outfit for my first day of Kindergarten the night before. My first job was when I was 16 at the Limited Too...then The Gap...then BCBG in college. My Aunt Morey and Aunt Beth (Nonnie's sisters) are both INSANELY stylish....Beth's style was very monochromatic, sleek and modern....Morey being polished with a fun pop of quirkiness....I always wanted to emulate that. I lovedddd thrifting at the Goodwill on Center Street in Jupiter and still remember one of my favorite finds was a Kelly Green sweater....I wore it with gap jeans and keds. I do think I'm relatively creative....I think of fashion as my personal 'art'...some people paint, some people draw, others write music or poetry....I love the creation of a look.
What's the Difference between the Dyson and regular straightener?
Well I'll tell you what I love about the Dyson's cordless which means I can touch up on the go....big deal for days when I'm out shooting, travel, etc. I also feel like it's smoother than previous straighteners I've used......doesn't singe my hair you know? It's really great for beach waves too and just seems to take a lot less time to style my hair vs others I've tried which truth be told were all pretty cheap so anything would've been an improvement.
How do you manage weekly date nights with 3 kids?
Johnny and I have always made a weekly date night a priority right out of the gate. It's super important to us to have that time during the work week to connect. I'm V E R Y fortunate that I have two incredible babysitters (Hi Mallory and Leah) who have been with us since Calvin was itty bitty and just know our family's pick up, track, volleyball, karate, dinner, bedtime, etc. They're truly like daughters to me. We are also V E R Y fortunate to have a built in babysitter with Chase....she's wonderful with her siblings and beyond responsible, nurturing, all the things. I try not to utilize her too much because of school obligations but when she's looking to make a little bit of jingle, it works out perfectly. With that being said, if you can't get a sitter... don't hesitate to create your own date night after the kids go to bed. Johnny and I love having basement dates when we don't feel like getting out and about. Think a nice bottle of wine, snacky plate, order in from your favorite restaurant... get creative.
I thought you bought a house to renovate in Florida.
We did. I shared the outcome a few months back on stories. We bought a little fixer upper in Jupiter where I grew up. After meeting with several builders and realizing the project was going to take on a much larger life than what we anticipated A N D we ultimately want to be on the water.....A N D it was a seller's market....A N D we were just on the heels of this big ole' pool project in Zville, A N D inflation A N D basically having to knock it down and build another house remotely.....we decided to sell it. It was a no brainer for Johnny. Took me some convincing...but no doubt about it was the right decision. We have future plans to buy again down there....just not right now.
I want to know all the pretty shades of lipstick you use.
9 times out of 10 I'm wearing a gloss. Either THIS, THIS, THIS in PEONY, or THIS. If I'm wearing color it's likely THIS in GARDEN PARTY or THIS in CLASSIC RED with one of the above glosses layered on top.
How do you handle dating with your daughters? I love seeing you hanging all together.
We love Chase's boyfriend. So I think that helps with this new season for sure. We also trust Chase and her judgment. We also communicate with his parents which I think is important. We hang out as a nights, dinner, shopping, go out to eat, etc.....It's still all new territory that we are navigating so I try to remember myself at that age (which I had a wonderful boyfriend all through high school that my parents loved) and I know many parents say this....but Chase and I really do talk about A L L the things....well let me rephrase that...let's just say she tells me a helluva lot more than I shared with Nonnie at the time...which is now hilarious to let Nonnie know all the shenanigans. Most importantly, always need to see their hands!! No blankets, Just hands ;) .... And my sweet Cambi? She ain't allowed to date plain and simple....there's plenty of time for that.
Alright, Gang....that wraps up another round of Chappo Chats....I hope you found this read enjoyable! Cheers to the weekend....make it a great one....Evereve goodies linked below!