"Kelly" Green
skirt (Tinley Road, Piperlime), booties (Belle by Sigerson Morrison), blouse (Old Navy), blazer (J.Crew), clutch (Adele of Lexington), pearl & horse necklace (Stacey Gudeman, Adele of Lexington), gold chain (vintage), ring (David Yurman), cuff (not a darn clue), watch & shades (Michael Kors)

If you know me, you know there's a little play on words in this post's title...dad would be proud. As I was citing the look and noticing the various price points, I was reminded of something that is trite but true--INVEST IN KEY PIECES--ie: a Black Blazer & BLACK BOOTIES. We know those suckers ain't going out of style any time soon, so put your money in the pieces that will carry you through the seasons. Once you have your foundation, you can then splash in some affordable fun, like this KELLY GREEN TULIP SKIRT ...did I mention it was under 40 BONES? Upon sprucing up the basics, you add some major giddyup with your accessories. I truly could not resist this Pearl Clustered necklace & clutch from Adele--did you notice the horse detail on the necklace--stop it! And I'm not going to deny that I dig showing some local Lexingtonian jewelry love for Stacey Gudeman--gal knows how to make a bauble!
If my non-Lexingtonians want to snag a little gem from Adele, my FAVE interior boutique in town, just mention "s e e r s u c k e r + s a d d l e s" when calling or FB-ing and they'll ship for FREE! Make it a good one, gang!
photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem