Look who's turning the big T H R E E today? Happy Happy s + s! Sounds so damn cliche but I truly cannot believe what started out as a creative outlet and more or less a hobby has turned into something I am able to do full time while supporting my brood. It's beyond incredible to do what I love and I am so very blessed. Truly, I should be writing a big fat Thank You Letter to each and every one of you because let's be honest...if the readers ain't diggin' s + s, it's toast. So let's do just that...a little Thank You/Love Letter hybrid:
To the readers that pay this little slice a visit throughout the week and give me such strong motivation to keep on this path---how can I thank you enough? You all have given me the ability to fulfill such a strong passion, be an example for my girls to follow your aspirations, take risks, and to do what you love---I'm beyond grateful and while my ass is horrible at responding to every comment (I read them I swear I do and I'm working on upping my comment game), they provide the perfect dose of motivation and inspiration. They're humbling. You all have been a part of my toughest journey thus far in life, my divorce, leaving Corporate America after 10 years, and the passing of the girl's father and you'll never know how your words of encouragement got me through the most challenging of times. I think I owe it to y'all to be a smidge more candid on the blog and so that's what I'm certainly going to try my darnedest to do. I don't say these words above lightly and in passing--I mean them. I thank you with all the sincerity in the world. I also ask with all sincerity...what is s + s missing? Not sure if you noticed but I'm trickling in a little tyke fashion, a little home diddy now and again---what else? The floor is yours so fire away---it's important that when you all come here, you're getting a solid dose of inspo yourself so let me know and I'll see if I can deliver!
To Lexington, my sweet Lex---what pride I have for this town. It's where my girls have grown up, it's where this dream has become a reality. It's where I've made the dearest lifelong friends...I love this place more than words can express. I love the partnerships I have with the boutiques that are so damn supportive of the blog....Omar + Elsie, Adele, Morton James, AJs Casuals, & Voce--you all are an incredible bunch that I so value partnering with! And how about my gal, Kristin, who shares the same vision and work ethic--is such a peach to work with...smooths out my mug, gets my good angles, deals with my deadlines, minimizes my damn crow's feet...couldn't ask for a better photog and friend than that one! An enormous thank you to Danielle who showed me the ropes early on and is the most generous and thoughtful gal around...without you, I'd probably still be figuring out how to do a collage for the love! And to my best friend in Nola--you know who you are--and you know how grateful I am for you. And finally to my family. Look, I've always kinda been the wild card in the Kelly crew--the free spirit if you will. So while initially they looked at me with an "Oh Lord, here she goes again," kinda face when I first shared this venture--they've been cheering loudly and proudly from Florida every step of the way and I just can't love or thank them enough. Good grief, who am I missing....I hope no one but, gang, thank you--again. So very much---let's virtually cheers to another year of inspo, growth, risks, rewards, chuckles, and some dope fashion. Cheers to a great one gang!
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