Blues & Pinks
blazer (J.Crew), blouse (J.Crew), jeans (Ernest Sewn), loafers (GAP 30% OFF TODAY), clutch (JJ winters), shades (colors in optiCS), bracelets & necklaces (J.Crew, Adele of Lex, GAP), ring (David Yurman), belt (J.Crew)

Always a huge fan of color, I love the idea of mixing various shades of the same hue. I'm here to tell you, the BLAZER and LOAFER will definitely be a staple in my fall uniform. Speaking of fall, it is about that time to start switching out your summers for your falls. Interesting thing about documenting your looks, you come to realize quite quickly what you may be in shortage of wardrobe wise. So clearly, I'm alright in the color arena, but I believe what my closet is in need of this fall is some PRINTS. Do tell, in transitioning your wardrobes this season, what have you discovered are your Fall Must Haves? You all have a good one!
photos courtesy of Kristin Tatem